Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Unmotivated lazy day!!

Blah, I don't know if it's just that kind of day for everyone that I have talked to or what, it's not that I'm having a bad day, in fact I am having a really great day! It's just that I feel so totally and completely unmotivated it's not even funny! I have tons of laundry to do and I swear it seems like there is literally a ton of it, ugh isn't that a never ending feat! Dishes that need to be taken out of the dishwasher and reloaded, and other cleaning that needs to be done but I just have no urge to do any of it! I know that makes me sound like a lazy putz but I just don't. Maybe it has something to do with the weather here the fact that it was so nice and warm and now we've snapped back into cool weather just drains me. Lol now I'm just making excuses! 

Like I said, I don't mean I'm having a bad day though, I'm actually having a really good day other than trying to get past this little bit of a cold that I've had... this morning I came out and after feeding our little peanut I hopped on my computer to find my FIRST sale on Etsy! So exciting!! I think I scared the crap out of hubby I was so excited! So I made that custom order and will head to the post office tomorrow to mail it! :) 

I also had a wonderful trip to Target with my little princess it's always fun to go shopping with her, she gets such a kick out of it even if she doesn't get anything exciting! Mommy daughter bonding time is the best!

Now unfortunately I'm lacking on creative juices!! I was going to try to sit down and make some new items to list on Etsy and when I did I just can't think! I think that goes back to me feeling so unmotivated today!

Well, I think I'm off to try to come up with some new products to add to my etsy shop! Wish me luck, and check in again soon!!

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